Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Crazy Family (Little Miss Sunshine)


This is a story about a little girl who liked to dance. Her uncle was gay. Her brother has made a vow or not talking. Her grandfather had a bad temper. He always said:" Fuck", example what's that? Oh! Every day Fucking chicken, Fuck...
Her mother and her father always liked to quarrel. One day the little girl listened to news? She talked to her parents. And then the family member brought her to miss sunshine her father drove the V-W bus takes them to CA from Albuquerque New Mexico to facilitate their daughter’s dream. The V-W bus was too old and it had many problems. So they had push the V-W bus to start it...
Ollie’s grandfather died. But they can’t even stop to stay in the hospital. They kept going to CA. Their van had so many problems the horn would not stop. So a cop pulled them over. But the cop saw he porn sex book and it distract. So they were luck. They drove continue went to CA.
Oh! There arrive CA on time. A Little start dance her family member went to stop to support home. But her family member didn’t do that. They help a little until to finish dance. She can’t win, but she had a wonderful remember.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Good teacher

On Wednesday! I have a readin 2 class for tonight. I like rading 2 teacher too much. Go to her class like the jail. Because she speak too much. I onlhy listen. same watch TV.
She looks like a child. She plays, play, play, play, play... Oh go home, finished see you next wednesday. and then goodbye,
That, that's a good, good teacher??? I don't know. But she is funny. That' s true. But I don't understand what kinds reading I am studying?

911 Day

On Monday! Today is US 911 day. But I don't listen my teacher said:" may be she forgot.
My friend fix my comuter today. I so happy. But continue I listen bad news. Because lst Monday I bring my car to fix. That person has bi problem. He said 3 days to fix my car before. But one week he don't fix too much. I'm very angry. What happen to he fix? I don't know.

People and People What is the faith? The trickster has a good answer. He tell you" I only believe the money is true." !!!

Go To A Paty

On Sunday! I want to church and now. I'm sitting in the yard. replying to joournals. Yesterday, My family went o sonoma. It was a beautiful, sunny day there. Last night, I went to a party at my boss house. I didn't come home until 2 Am.
Tomorrow it's Monday again... back to work.

computer broken

Today I listen to good new. My techer tell we friday give her six journal. Lucky! Because I didn't want to wrie too much. I am not lazy.
I finished the morning class. I fast "fly" at home. I watch movies cartoon <> but had big problem for my computer. It doesn't working. so bad. I hate that. I only can sleep. so bored.

I think that's good and not so good and not so good for each other to make up people life. May be I am same too.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Unhappy Day

On Sunday! I finish the work. My friend call me go to flea make buy something. We are go to flea maket. Many people over there. I tell my friend choose ong go fast. I want to go home sleep. Hi Chang. Ah! The church leard call me. Why were you didn't come last weekend? Do you have time for me now? what are you going...
Do you wan to come with me go to church now?...
I say:" OK. I help my friend buy something and then come on with you. That's my so-so day.
Unhappy? Because I want to sleep.

Go To Work

On Saturday! I go to work. My work is flyer. My friend with me, two people do the flyer work. My friend point to on steet. Oh. That's good, and then I walk fast do my work. (Because I see the beautiful girls)
I go to girls group talk. Do ou want to flyer? Do ou want to flyer? Many girls are smilig, talk with me Oh! I'm very lucky. I like today.